Cockroach control is easy if you read these 15 facts about cockroaches. You are able to kill cockroaches with various kinds of products. Prefer getting rid of cockroaches naturally? There are other ways to try, too!
⇨3 Effective Products to kill Cockroaches
⇨11 natural ways to get rid of cockroaches
⇨More Life Remedies

● Cockroach Bait Gel
Advantage: Once cockroaches eat it, they will often die within a few hours. When other cockroaches eat the dead ones, they will be killed, too.
Disadvantage: Compared to other products, the price of cockroach gel is not cheap.
Review: Reviews of 10 Cockroach Gels
● Cockroach Traps
Advantage: You will know how many cockroaches you’ve killed in a trap.
Disadvantage: It’s not a suitable way for people who are afraid to see the dead bodies of roaches.
● Boric Acid
Advantage: It’s effective in a few days.
Disadvantage: You must prevent kids and pets to touch it.
DIY: Mix boric acid with flour or mashed potatoes. And then put it at the places that roaches often appear.

● Chrysanthemum/Cucumber peels
Advantage: They bring no damage to the environment but fresh air. They’re helpful in expelling big roaches and eliminating larva of cockroach.
Disadvantage: It only works for a few days.
DIY: Mix chrysanthemum or cucumber peels with 120cc of alcohol. Use it after 24 hours.
● Peels of Tangerines or Lemons
Advantage: They bring no damage to the environment but fresh air. They’re helpful in expelling big cockroaches.
Disadvantage: It cannot kill cockroaches. Besides, it only works for a few days.
DIY: Put dried tangerine peels to wherever cockroaches appear.
● A Bottle of Wine
Advantage: Cockroaches are fond of alcohol. You can use their defect to trap them in the bottle.
Disadvantage: It’s not a suitable way for people who are afraid to see lots of cockroaches.
DIY: Leave some wine and sugar in a bottle. Remember to pour oil in so that roaches can’t crawl out of bottle.
● Soapy Water/Chemical Cleaner
Advantage: Any liquid with bubbles can make choke to death.
Disadvantage: You cannot eliminate lots of cockroaches at the same time.
● Hot Water
Advantage: Cockroaches can’t stand hot water. Water in 122℉ (50℃) can kill cockroaches.
Disadvantage: You can only use the methods in bathroom.
● Electric Fly Swatter
Advantage: You can kill cockroaches immediately.
Disadvantage: Killing lots of cockroaches at the same time is impossible with this method. Additionally, it takes longer time to kill a fat big roach.
● Huntsman Spider
Advantage: Huntsman spider causes no damage to human. Moreover, it eats cockroaches and insects as food.
Disadvantage: This is not a suitable way for people who are afraid of spiders.
● House Gecko
Advantage: House gecko causes no damage to human. Moreover, it eats cockroaches and insects as food.
Disadvantage: House geckos eat only larva of cockroach.
● Baking Soda + Granulated Sugar
Advantage: Cockroaches will be attracted by sugar and be killed by internal gas caused by baking soda.
Disadvantage: Granulated sugar may attract ants, too.
DIY: Mix a small plate of granulated sugar and baking soda together. Put it to wherever cockroaches appear. It’s effective within 1-2 weeks.
● Basil
Advantage: Cockroaches don’t like the smell of basil so they won’t stay wherever basil exists.
Disadvantage: The smell of basil may make you hungry. XD
DIY: Put basil leaves into silk stockings and dry them under the sunlight. And then place them to wherever cockroaches appear.
● Chili Powder & Ground Black Pepper
Advantage: Cockroaches don’t like the smell of chili powder or ground pepper so they won’t stay wherever basil exists.
Disadvantage: The smell of basil may make you hungry or sneeze. XD
● Reorganizing → Coming soon. New info will be released soon.
● Health → Coming soon. New info will be released soon.
● Clean Tips → Coming soon. New info will be released soon.
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