Hacking cases grows on Google. These are reasons for Google being hacked:
1. Your password is easy to guess. And u don’t change it regularly.
2. Use public Wi-Fi to login your Google account.
3. Click on unsafe URL.
4. Seldom use anti-virus software to scan PC.
Do u want to prevent ur account from those threatens? Just read the following steps to keep ur Google account safer.
Continue reading “【Prevent Google from hacker】Save ur password & account!”
【10/21 LINE sticker list】Moon: Funny Faces & animated stickers!
Here are LINE stickers on Oct 21, 2014. If you love overseas stickers, try OpenVPN to view stickers of other regions. By the way, if you use OpenVPN, then you can’t register your phone number on LINE. That means you have to register E-mail and Facebook account instead. In addition, LINE Corporation has changed the rule of viewing stickers. Therefore, before you view overseas stickers, please read the article: Rules for veiwing overseas LINE stickers.
Continue reading “【10/21 LINE sticker list】Moon: Funny Faces & animated stickers!”
【Prevent FB from hacker】3 tips to make Facebook password & account safer.
Hacking cases grows on FB. These are reasons for Facebook being hacked:
1. Your password is easy to guess. And u don’t change it regularly.
2. Use public Wi-Fi to login your FB.
3. Click on unsafe URL.
4. Seldom use anti-virus software to scan PC.
Do u want to prevent ur account from those threatens? Just read the following steps to keep ur Facebook safer.
Continue reading “【Prevent FB from hacker】3 tips to make Facebook password & account safer.”
【10/17 LINE sticker list】Free sticker of Brown, Sally, Cony & Moon!
Here are LINE stickers on Oct 17, 2014. If you love overseas stickers, try OpenVPN to view stickers of other regions. By the way, if you use OpenVPN, then you can’t register your phone number on LINE. That means you have to register E-mail and Facebook account instead. In addition, LINE Corporation has changed the rule of viewing stickers. Therefore, before you view overseas stickers, please read the article: Rules for veiwing overseas LINE stickers.
Continue reading “【10/17 LINE sticker list】Free sticker of Brown, Sally, Cony & Moon!”
【10/16 LINE sticker list】Linsanity, Disney & animated stickers!
Here are LINE stickers on Oct 16, 2014. If you love overseas stickers, try OpenVPN to view stickers of other regions. By the way, if you use OpenVPN, then you can’t register your phone number on LINE. That means you have to register E-mail and Facebook account instead. In addition, LINE Corporation has changed the rule of viewing stickers. Therefore, before you view overseas stickers, please read the article: Rules for veiwing overseas LINE stickers.
Continue reading “【10/16 LINE sticker list】Linsanity, Disney & animated stickers!”
【Prevent LINE from hacker】4 ways to save ur account & password!
Hacking cases grows on LINE. These are reasons for LINE being hacked:
1. Your password is easy to guess. And u don’t change it regularly.
2. Use public Wi-Fi to login your LINE.
3. Click on unsafe URL.
4. Allow login LINE on Pc.
Do u want to prevent ur account from those threatens? Just read the following steps to keep ur LINE safer.
Continue reading “【Prevent LINE from hacker】4 ways to save ur account & password!”
【LINE sticker list】Wanwan, Justice League & animated stickers!
Here are LINE stickers on Oct 14, 2014. If you want overseas sitckers, try OpenVPN to get stickers of other regions. By the way, if you use OpenVPN, then you can’t register your phone number on LINE. That means you have to register E-mail and Facebook account instead. In addition, LINE Corporation has changed the rule of downloading stickers. Therefore, before you download overseas stickers, please read the article: Rules for downloading overseas LINE stickers.
Continue reading “【LINE sticker list】Wanwan, Justice League & animated stickers!”
【LINE sticker list】Many free & paid animated stickers are valid!
LINE stickers are free here! If you love free LINE stickers around the world, try OpenVPN to view LINE stickers for free of other regions. Before you view free LINE stickers around the world, please read the article: Rules for viewing overseas LINE stickers
Continue reading “【LINE sticker list】Many free & paid animated stickers are valid!”
【LINE sticker list】Sally and other Animated stickers show up!
Free LINE stickers are released now!
Here are LINE stickers on Oct 7, 2014. If you love overseas stickers, try OpenVPN to view stickers of other regions. By the way, if you use OpenVPN, then you can’t register your phone number on LINE. That means you have to register E-mail and Facebook account instead. In addition, LINE Corporation has changed the rule of viewing stickers. Therefore, before you view overseas stickers, please read the article: Rules for viewing overseas LINE stickers.
Continue reading “【LINE sticker list】Sally and other Animated stickers show up!”
【LINE sticker list】Free hidden stickers of characters Brown & Cony!
LINE stickers are free here! If you love free LINE stickers around the world, try OpenVPN to view LINE stickers for free of other regions. Before you view free LINE stickers around the world, please read the article: Rules for viewing overseas LINE stickers
Continue reading “【LINE sticker list】Free hidden stickers of characters Brown & Cony!”