If you are looking to replay your favorite videos over and over again,you might be happy to hear this news: Now you can loop YouTube video directly without install any extension.The new tool allows viewers to set videos to loop on the desktop version of the site.Find out how to loop YouTube videos.
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Step 1
▼Open up the video you want to loop on youtube.
▼Open up the video you want to loop on youtube.

Step 2
▼Right click on video and you’ll find a “Loop” option within the ensuing drop-down menu.
▼Right click on video and you’ll find a “Loop” option within the ensuing drop-down menu.

Step 3
▼Left-click it once and a checkmark will appear to the right of the option.Back to the video. Now you can loop your favorite video. The video will automatically start over at the beginning once it’s complete.
▼Left-click it once and a checkmark will appear to the right of the option.Back to the video. Now you can loop your favorite video. The video will automatically start over at the beginning once it’s complete.

Step 1
▼Left click the replay button on the playlist. Now you’r playlist will replay automatically.
▼Left click the replay button on the playlist. Now you’r playlist will replay automatically.